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= Communications support for DeSmet C compiler =
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Written by Tom Poindexter (70040,1223), March 1984
Acknowledgements: Vern Buerg - for an example of comm support for
the Lattice C compiler. (DRIVER.ASM)
Curt Klinsing - the author listed in DRIVER.ASM
Earl Terwilliger Jr. - referring me to the PC Tech
Journal series on 8088 interrupts
Chris Dunford - author of the 2 part series in PC Tech
Journal (12/83 & 1/84).
The following files constitute the communication support routines.
COMMSUPP.C - The actual C interface routines.
COMMASM.A - Internal assembler routines used by commsupp.c.
COMMSUPP.H - An #include file containing declares and defines for
an application program using commsupp.c.
COMMSUPP.DOC - This documentation.
COMMTERM.C - Optional, an example C communications program using
COMMSUPP provides interrupt driven buffered communication support for the
DeSmet C compiler. Features: XON/XOFF support, two ports active
concurrently, modem break signal generation, status reporting, and
event trapping.
Most of the routines are written in C so that it may be possible to
port these routines to another compiler. The assembler language routines
are coded in DeSmet ASM88 syntax, which is somewhat different than the
IBM Macro Assembler syntax.
DeSmet library functions that may or may not be available on other
compilers are:
Performs a memory move using REP MOVSB so that overlapping moves are
handled correctly (processor direction flag set correctly).
Similiar to _lmove, except that the move is within the C data segment.
c_ds = _showds();
Returns the C data segment.
c_cs = _showcs();
Returns the C program segment.
ptr = malloc(num_bytes);
Allocate a specific number of bytes in memory and return a pointer
to the area.
The following functions are not available in DeSmet C, but may or may not
be included in other compilers. These routines are in COMMASM.A:
struct { int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es;} in_regs,out_regs;
flags = sysint (interrupt, &in_regs, &out_regs);
Call a system interrupt routine, passing and returning register values.
value = inb(hardware_port);
Input a byte value from a hardware port address.
Output a byte value to a hardware port address.
Disable system interrupts (CLI).
Enable system interrupts (STI);
DeSmet C compiler use
1. Compile COMMSUPP.C with C88
A>c88 commsupp
2. Assemble COMMASM.A with ASM88
A>asm88 commasm
3. If you maintain your own library, use LIB88 to add commsupp and commasm
A>lib88 commasm commsupp -oyourlib
4. Create and compile your program. #include "commsupp.h".
A>c88 yourprog
5. Bind your program with your library (as in #3) or with the object
modules alone.
A>bind yourprog (your-other-modules) commsupp commasm w/o private lib
A>bind yourprog yourlib.s w/ private lib
Description of routines:
init_com - Initializes the serial port, enables and sets interrupt vectors,
sets communication parameters (baud, parity, data length,
stop bits), and allocates a receive buffer.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
baud: 110, 150, 300, 450, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
parity: 0 = none, 1 = odd, 2 = even, 3 = mark, 4 = space
data: 5, 6, 7, 8
stop: 1, 2
buff_len: length of receive buffer up to 32767 bytes
ERROR (-1): comm port not available or invalid parm
TRUE (1): ok
int port, baud, parity, data, stop, buff_len;
port = 1;
baud = 300;
parity = 0;
data = 8;
stop = 1;
buff_len = 1024;
if (init_com(port,baud,parity,data,stop,buff_len) == ERROR)
puts("\nComm port initialzation failed.\n");
See defines for parity values in COMMSUPP.H. This function sets the
8250 modem controller chip and the 8259 interrupt controller chip.
Also, this routine "pokes" the value of the C data segment into
the interrupt handler routine so that no matter where the
interrupt occurs, the interrupt handler will have access to the
C data segment.
See the PC Tech Journal (12/83 & 1/84) for details on the
interrupt controller.
uninit_com - Disables interrupts, flushes buffer. Optionally leaves serial
port open.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
lv_open: TRUE (1) = leave serial open (DTR enabled), FALSE (0) = close
serial port (drop DTR).
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
TRUE (1): ok
int port, lv_open;
port = 1;
lv_open = TRUE;
puts("\n\nProgram terminating.......Comm port left open.\n\n");
It is VERY important that this function is successfully completed
prior to the termination of the user program. Otherwise, any incoming
chars will trigger the interrupt and control will pass to the interrupt
handler address, whether or not there is a valid routine to process
the interrupt.
send_brk - Send a break signal to the specified port. 1/2 second of mark
signal is generated.
Port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
TRUE (1): ok
int port;
port = 1;
See this routine in commsupp.c on using the SYSINT function. The
time-of-day interrupt (documented in the tech reference) is invoked
to return the current time-of-day tick count. The effect of the
routine is a delay for a specified time that is independent
of processor speed.
set_xoff - Enables or disables the XON/XOFF protocol. See companion functions
recd_xoff and sent_xoff. If enabled, an XOFF received will set
a flag which can be parsed with the recd_xoff function. The user
program must check recd_xoff to suspend transmission, i.e.,
outp_char and outp_strn are not automatically suspended. Also, if
the receive buffer becomes 75% full, an XOFF is sent to the remote
computer, and a flag is set, which can be parsed with sent_xoff.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
state: TRUE (1) = XON/XOFF enabled, FALSE (0) = XON,XOFF disabled
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
TRUE (1): ok
int port, state;
port = 1;
puts("\nDo you want XON/XOFF enabled (y/n) ? ");
state = (getchar() == 'y') ? TRUE : FALSE;
XON/XOFF should be disabled anytime binary transmissions are performed,
i.e., all 8 bits significant. When XON/XOFF is disabled, there is no
mechansism to prevent or report buffer overrun. In this case the
user program should be alert to the number of bytes in the buffer using
the inp_cnt function.
recd_xoff - Report if an XOFF character has been received. If TRUE, then
also reset the recd_xoff flag to FALSE.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
TRUE (1): XOFF has been received
FALSE (0): XOFF has not been received
int port, curr_state;
port = 1;
curr_state = recd_xoff(port);
if (curr_state == TRUE)
puts(" XOFF received..press any key to continue ");
recd_xoff will always return FALSE if XON/XOFF is disabled.
The recd_xoff flag is reset upon calling this function, so that
recd_xoff will return FALSE until another XOFF is received.
sent_xoff - Report if XOFF has been sent, indicating that the receive buffer
is 75% or more full. If TRUE, then also reset the sent_xoff flag
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
TRUE (1): XOFF has been sent.
FALSE (0): XOFF has not been sent.
int port;
port = 1;
if (sent_xoff(port) == TRUE)
puts("Your in trouble now...here's the rest of the buffer: ");
while (inp_cnt(port))
sent_xoff will always return FALSE if XON/XOFF is disabled.
The sent_xoff flag is reset upon calling this function, so that
sent_xoff will return FALSE until another XOFF is sent.
inp_cnt - Reports the number of bytes available in the buffer waiting to be
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
other: the number of bytes in the buffer.
int port;
char c;
port = 1;
while (inp_cnt(port))
c = inp_char(port);
switch (c)
case ESC: ...
case CR: ...
case LF: ...
case BS: ...
If inp_cnt is equal to the buffer length, a buffer overflow has
probably occurred. The incoming characters are dropped into the
AMBB (All Mighty Bit Bucket) so that the buffer is not corrupted.
inp_char - Return one byte from the receive buffer. All serial port
control lines (carrier detect, etc) are ignored.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized, invalid port number, or
no character available
other: Next (FIFO) character in the buffer.
int port;
char c;
port = 1;
outp_strn("\nWhich option (1, 2, or 3)? ");
while (inp_cnt(port) == 0)
c = inp_char(port);
switch (c)
case '1': ....
The value return is type int, which should convert to char in most
inp_strn - Transfer n bytes from the receive buffer to a string, up to a
maximum length. It is the responsibility of the user program
to insure that the maximum number of bytes is less than or equal
to the string length. If the buffer contains less than the
number of bytes requested, only the available bytes are
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
&strn: address of the string to receive the bytes.
cnt: the maximum number of bytes to transfer.
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized, invalid port number,
or no characters available.
other: the number of bytes actually transferred.
#define STR_LEN 80
int port;
char strn[STR_LEN];
int cnt;
port = 1;
cnt = inp_strn(port,&strn,STR_LEN-1);
strn[cnt] = '\0';
printf("%d bytes were returned. Here it is: %s",cnt,strn);
This is trivially faster that a looping inp_char, using the _move
library function. This may be the trick if you are having buffer
overrun problems.
outp_char - Transmits one byte over the serial port. Carrier detect, clear
to send, and data set ready signals are ignored (full duplex
is implied).
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
c: the character to send
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized, invalid port number, or
timeout on THRE (transmitter holding register empty).
TRUE (1): ok.
int port;
char c;
port = 1;
c = 'A';
A timeout is unlikely, since only the THRE is checked. If you need
true half duplex operation, check clear to send using com_stat
before sending. Also, if you have enabled XON/XOFF (set_xoff),
you may want to call recd_xoff to see if the remote computer has
sent you an XOFF.
outp_strn - Transmits a zero terminated string or up to a specified length.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
&strn: address of the string to send.
cnt: maximum characters to send.
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized, invalid port number, or
TRUE: ok
#define STR_LEN 80
int port;
char strn[STR_LEN];
port = 1;
puts("\nWhat is your password on system X? ");
This utilizes the outp_char function above; hence the same conditions
apply. If you need to control clear to send and XON/XOFF, then don't
use outp_strn. See the commterm.c upload routine for a method
of sending a string while checking for XOFF.
com_stat - Return the serial port line status and the modem status.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
other: line status (high byte) and modem status (low byte)
int port;
int status;
port = 1;
status = com_stat(port);
Use the defines in COMMSUPP.H to check for certain conditions by
anding the status returned with the condition value, i.e.,
if (com_stat(port) & BREAK_IND)
puts("We got a break; quick -- do something!");
if (com_stat(port) & CARRIER)
on_com - Specify a C routine to execute when a byte is received.
port: 1 = com1:, 2 = com2:
rtn: the address of a valid C routine or NULL (0).
ERROR (-1): comm port never intialized or invalid port number.
TRUE: ok
extern int total;
int port;
int counter();
port = 1;
counter ()
This function is similar to BASICA's event trapping statements.
The following rules apply:
1. The routine must be a valid C routine or an assembler routine
that conforms to C's entry and exit.
2. The routine should not expect any arguments or return any
values. Any communication to the routine is by global or
external variables.
3. Local variables should be kept to a minimun, i.e., declare
as static whenever possible.
4. Keep function calls to a minimum.
5. on_com routines will never be recursive. Once the routine
is given control, any incoming characters will not trigger
reactivation of the routine. Any incoming characters will
be buffered, assuming an adequate buffer size was specified.
6. To deactivate the on_com routine, call on_com with a zero
as the routine ( on_com(port,0); ). This is evquivalent to
BASICA's COM(1) OFF. Note that there is no COM(1) STOP
equivalent, i.e. when the on_com routine is active, commsupp
will not 'remember' later incoming characters, and will not
reactivate the on_com routine until the next character.
Many of the limitations have to do with the stack segment in use
at the time of the interrupt. Your C program may be active or
DOS may be active, thus the stack segment and stack pointer
could be DOS's. The C data segment is always guaranteed for the
small memory model (DeSmet ver 2.1). All registers (except
SS and SP) are saved during the interrupt.
End of commsupp.doc